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Love is a Wildfire (Sunday Snippet #1)


Hello everyone! This is the big week of my cover reveal for

LOVE IS A WILDFIRE, Love in the Vineyards, Book #4! Look for it August 7th!

If you'd like to be the first to see it, be sure to join my newletter! Newsletter subscribers get the inside scoop!

Kate Kisset's Love is a Wildfire Cover reveal is June 28th

Kate Kisset, Love is a wildfire, Santino Family Vineyards

How 'bout a snippet of the story?

But first, check out that wine label!

I couldn't resist making it in honor of Michael Santino's story.

The oldest Santino brother, the man you first met in book #1 LOVE AT LAST is finally getting his happily-ever-after!

She’s the brave firefighter he can’t forget. He’s the flame she can’t put out. When two sparks ignite, they’ll need to decide if LOVE IS A WILDFIRE.


from Love is a Wildfire:

Michael Santino’s stomach churned in his dream. The wind ruffled his thick, dark hair, causing him to roll over and bury his face in the pillow. The Egyptian cotton felt cool and refreshing as he snuggled deeper into the pillow’s plush, downy comfort.

Another gust raced over his shoulders, and he turned his head and cracked open an eye. Five feet away, his thin bedroom curtains whipped and slapped against the walls on either side of the window.

Should he close the window?

Michael didn’t have the energy to think about it. Set on getting at least two more hours of sleep, he changed position, patting the pillow and pulling the top sheet higher, but still couldn’t get comfortable.

His stomach rolled again, but now the hairs on the back of his neck stood up too. Somewhere deep down in his half-sleep state an inkling tried to rouse him. Then his roiling gut reached up to his consciousness and shook him.

Wake up! Wake up!

Another hot, bitter-smelling gust surged through the window. This one hit Michael’s face precisely under his nose, and he inhaled.


Just as he registered the thought, his cell phone rang a few feet from his head. It banged and rumbled, vibrating against his bedside table, and shocking him out of his last bit of sleepiness.

Michael fumbled for the phone and finally grabbed it.

“Dad.” It was more of a question than a greeting. What the hell’s going on?

“Get to the winery. Now,” his father replied, without a trace of panic.

Wide awake, Michael kicked off the covers and got out of bed. Listening to his dad rustling the phone and shouting in the background, he went to the window and pulled back the curtains.

Tension wound up from his feet to his calves, spiraling into a tight tornado, ripping up his spine. Michael tried to process the sight. An ungodly orange glow lit the night sky. His hands started to feel like they were going numb. He didn’t recognize his world.

It was like he fell asleep in Napa and woke up on another planet.

Love is a wildfire goes live on Amazon August 7th!

Love is a Wildfire is loosely based on my experiences during the fire that rocked wine country.

Love is a Wildfire book #4- Cover Reveal this Thursday

Each book is a complete standalone, but it's fun to read them in order too!

Get caught up on the series!



LOVE AT LAST (Love in the Vineyards Book #1)

LOVE’S HOME RUN (Love in the Vineyards Book #2)

AND I LOVE YOU (Love in the Vineyards Book #3)

Love in the Vineyards Romance series from Kate Kisset

Here's what's planned for the series!


Book #1-Love at Last *Jamie Santino Book #2-Love's Home Run *Luca Santino Book #3-And I Love You *Juliet St. John Book #4-Love is a Wildfire *Michael Santino August 7, 2018 Book #5-Say You Love Me *Leo Santino (Late 2018) Road to Love *Nico Santino TBD It Must Be Love TBD Best of My Love TBD My One and Only Love TBD Companion Stories: (Available Now) *Kissing Mr. Mistletoe: Christmas in Napa *Kissing Luca: Short story. (Micro Prequel: Danica & Luca when they were teenagers)

Kate Kisset, wine country romance, Love in the Vineyards

Thanks for reading!

Until next time,

xo- Kate

I check in with my group pretty often on Facebook. Come join us!

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